"Journey to an island paradise and fall in love. This story will make you yearn for the power of love, the sting of passion, and the addiction of desire!" Sam at Faerie Tale Books 5 Stars

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Jeez, Life has turned to MaDnEsS!!!

So, I decided that, on top of editing and finalizing Finding Love's Wings for a May release date, I was going to help some of my fellow authors out. I decided that I was going to take on this crazy project, and UGH! it's making me CrAzY! (okay, crazier than I already was.)
So I took on a project of creating a website that contains a forum where we can all get together and discuss, talk about our work, get help and ideas, or just flat out carry on longer conversations that the 140 characters that Twitter allows. Well, I get neurotic about things and this website is making me lose my brain.
Oh did I mention that I am not a web designer, that I haven't the first clue how in the world to create a website that I can't just point and click and add images too? Yeah, so here I am, trying desperately to get this whole mess worked out, and I'm failing miserably and it is MAKING ME CRAZY!

But, I will not give up, unless I find someone willing to work with all the tools I have available for them, and create the site for me...Does anyone know anyone willing to do some freelance work, for free?
Let me know... zoeyderrick [at] gmail [dot] com

Okay, off I go, time for some Editing...Writing...and moving on from my neurotic obsession with creating this website.

Until we meet again,

Zoey D

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